BibleNewsProphecy October-December 2017: Repackaged Demonic Holidays? Is this acceptable worship for Christians?

Here is a link to the October-December 2017 edition of Bible News Prophecy magazine. Contents: 2. From the Editor: Why Prophecy? 9. Introduction to the Ten Commandments Why do we call them the Ten Commandments? 12. Repackaged Demonic Holidays? Is this acceptable worship for Christians? 17. A Little Child Shall Lead Them Robert Smith talks about hope in this …

The Work per HWA and the Bible

COGwriter The Continuing Church of God is pleased to announce this sermon from its ContinuingCOGchannel: 1:20:20 The Work per HWA and the Bible What should be the work of the most faithful Christian church be doing? What should be the priority for Christians? What did Jesus tell the Philadelphia portion of the Church of …