Continuing Church of God

Contend earnestly for the faith once for all delivered for the saints ... Let brotherly love continue (Jude 3; Hebrews 13:1)
Continuing Church of God

Continuing Church of God

Bible News Prophecy April – June 2022: Passover: Do You Take It Seriously?

Here is a link to the April – June 2022 edition of Bible News Prophecy magazine. In This Issue: From the Editor: Passover: Do You Take It Seriously? Passover is coming up soon. Have you been examining yourself? What Will Each Church Member’s Duty Be? This is from the late Dr. Herman Hoeh of …

Romans 11-12: Gentiles, Jews, and the Fulness

Artist depiction of the Apostle Paul writing his epistles The Continuing Church of God is pleased to announce this sermonette from its ContinuingCOG channel: 1:00:18 Romans 11-12: Gentiles, Jews, and the Fulness This is the fifth sermon in a six part series covering the Apostle Paul’s epistle to the Romans. In this sermon, Dr. Thiel …