Purgatory or Apocatastasis?

The Continuing Church of God is pleased to announce this sermon from its ContinuingCOG channel: 1:18:29 Purgatory or Apocatastasis? The Church of Rome teaches about a place of punishment that comes after death to believers who have not truly repented of “venial sins” or who have not paid the “temporal punishment” for sins called Purgatory. …

Ecclesiastes 9-12: Joyful Living, Youth, Aging, and the Commandments

The Continuing Church of God is pleased to announce the following sermon from its ContinuingCOG channel: 1:10:58 Ecclesiastes 9-12: Joyful Living, Youth, Aging, and the Commandments This sermon is the last in a series covering the entire Book of Ecclesiastes. In it, Dr. Thiel begins with chapter 9 and goes over all the verses until …

New Zealand votes to legalize euthanasia (physician-assisted suicide), but not recreational marijuana

Anti-euthanasia poster (Unsplash photo) COGwriter New Zealand voters went for legalized physician-assisted suicide: New Zealand votes to legalize euthanasia but not marijuana October 30, 2020 WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — New Zealanders voted to legalize euthanasia in a binding referendum, but preliminary results released Friday showed they likely would not …