21st Century Elijah

“Elijah in the wilderness“ The Continuing Church of God is pleased to announce this sermon from its ContinuingCOG channel: 1:11:07 21st Century Elijah Was John the Baptist the prophesied Elijah or at least a type of Elijah? Is there an Elijah to come? Have Sabbatarians been teaching this a long time? What were 18 truths …

Bible News Prophecy July – September 2022: Dating What should Christians know?

Here is a link to the July – September 2022 edition of Bible News Prophecy magazine. In This Issue: 2 From the Editor: Passover: The Feast of Trumpets Should you keep it?  4 Seven Principles Revealing – How to Make Wise Decisions!  Would you like any biblical assistance in making right decisions? 9 Dating What …

Sixth Commandment: Murder, anger, kindness, and love

The Continuing Church of God is pleased to announce this sermon from its ContinuingCOG channel:1:17:00 Murder, anger, kindness, and love The sixth commandment states, “You shall not murder.” How did Jesus extend the understanding of that command? What did He teach about anger and treating enemies? What did the Old Testament teach about anger? What …