Here is a link to the Bible News Prophecy magazine October-December 2023.
In This Issue:
2 From the Editor: Brief Comments on the World’s Holidays Dr. Thiel discusses various holidays
people often keep between October and the 1st of January.6 When Will the End of This Age Come? Could civilization as we know it end within a decade?
13 Study the Bible Course, Lesson 23c False Teachers and the True Church.
17 Did the Waldensians Keep the Seventh-day Sabbath? Some scholars are not sure, but some early
Waldenses did keep the Sabbath.21 Could You Be Caught Off Guard? An article by Eugene M. Walter.
24 Continuing Church of God Radio Log Listen to the Bible News Prophecy radio broadcast around the
world.25 Questions and Answers: What Will Women Be In God’s Kingdom? Here are the 1963 views from
Ronald Kelly.