Seventh Day Baptists/Adventists/Messianics: Protestant or COG?

Logos of SDBs, SDAs, and Messianic Jews The Continuing Church of God is pleased to announce the following sermon from its ContinuingCOG channel: 1:20:28 Seventh Day Baptists/ Adventists/ Messianics: Protestant or COG? Although Seventh Day Baptists (SDBs), Seventh-day Adventist (SDAs), and Messianic Jews keep some version of the seventh day Sabbath, are they Protestant or …

Church Services, Sunday, Heaven, and God’s Plan

The Continuing Church of God is pleased to announce the following sermon from its ContinuingCOG channel: 1:14:19 Church Services, Sunday, Heaven, and God’s Plan What were early church services like? Were they mainly focused on entertainment or scriptural messages? Were they like musical concerts or time to learn from the word of God? Did early …