Letter to the Brethren: September 10, 2015
Dear Brethren and Co-Workers in Christ: Greetings again from our office in Grover Beach, California. A busy week of trying to get used to our new location and dealing with Canadian and African matters, while also planning for the Fall Holy Days, and working on proclaiming the gospel of the …
Kiswahili edition of BNP magazine: Januari-Machi 2015 HABARI ZA UNABII WA BIBLIA
Here is a pdf link to the Kiswahili edition of BNP magazine: BNP Januari-Machi 2015 HABARI ZA UNABII WA BIBLIA Katika toleo hili: 3 Je, masaibu makuu yataanza mwaka wa 2015? Wingi katika dunia ya utabiri wa Ukristo wanashikilia katika utabiri na mambo ya uongo. Kwani Biblia yanafunza nini? Nini …
Letter to the Brethren: September 3, 2015
Dear Brethren and Co-Workers in Christ: Greetings again from Grover Beach in the ‘Five Cities’ region of California. A busy week of trying to get used to our new location, while also planning for the Fall Holy Days, and working on proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom of God. Scattered …
Elijah, Herbert W. Armstrong, and CCOG
The Continuing Church of God is pleased to announce this sermon from its ContinuingCOGchannel: 1:12:48 Elijah, Herbert W. Armstrong, and CCOG Was the late Herbert W. Armstrong the ‘Elijah to come’ or could there be another? What did Herbert Armstrong actually write and say about that? Did Herbert Armstrong …
Letter to the Brethren: August 27, 2015
Dear Brethren and Co-Workers in Christ: Greetings now from Grover Beach, California, another one of the ‘Five Cities’ in this part of the world. We moved mainly on Friday, and also came in Sunday to try to get better organized. Joyce Thiel putting books up on a bookshelf in the …